Böne-uppdateringar v. 14

Aktuella böneämnen (på engelska)


  • Pray for continued safety for our workers on the ground as they help to transport, feed and serve Ukrainians.
  • Pray that the war would end and peace would return.
  • Praise God for all the partners who continue to help and support the relief efforts in the country.


  • Please pray for wisdom and discernment for the refugees who are staying with us at OM and in other refugee centres in Moldova: They face a lot of uncertainty about their future, as the war continues (and the possibility of a quick return seems unlikely), they have no place of work (and therefore no income) and just wait to see what their next step should be.
  • We see the need for more people to help in the refugee ministry. Please pray that God will provide suitable volunteers; and pray for us to have wisdom in mobilising and coordinating such help (e.g., receiving short-term teams).
  • Pray for continued strength and love for those who have been tirelessly involved in this ministry for several weeks already – whether our OM team members or countless volunteers from Moldovan churches etc.
  • Pray for more open doors to help those affected by the war in Ukraine.


  • Pray for the Slovak Baptist Union’s next humanitarian shipment to the Ukraine through the large van and their Van4Life.
  • In cooperation with our local KS church, we have already reached the maximum capacity of 40 Ukrainian students (of all ages) for the Czech language courses. We have approached another local church about the need for more teachers, so please pray for God’s provision through that church (or otherwise). We would like to see many more Ukrainians being helped through these courses.
  • Please pray for those being served by the churches – for individuals, families, mothers, children, pensioners… pray that each of them would have the opportunity to find peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.


From ministry at border crossing:

  • After more than a week of wonderful warm weather, we have now seen the return of the cold, with temperatures below freezing at night. Pray for safety and endurance for those who must flee and will be traveling in this weather.
  • Most of the refugees who we now see crossing the border have no relatives and no friends outside of Ukraine, so they are sent to strangers. Pray for good and safe houses and shelters for them.
  • As refugee families continue their journey into the government reception centers, we want to continue serving them. We’re thankful that we were entrusted to create ‘Child Friendly Spaces’ and run children’s programs inside some of the largest centers in the Chełm region. Pray that this will become a wonderful opportunity share God’s love and comfort with the children and their parents. The programs will start next weekend.
  • Our teams at the border closely cooperate with the uniformed services and volunteers from other organisations. Pray for continued good atmosphere and opportunities for them to share a good testimony and be a light to those with whom they work.
  • The situation is constantly changing and depends on many factors. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for our team to know how we should develop the ministry to best anticipate and meet the needs.

From the work in Kutno – OM church plant with refugees:

  • The arrival of refugees has slowed, but we are still receiving new people every day, with currently around 14 people staying at the temporary shelter in the church. Please pray that we can find accommodation, as we have two families with young children, who have been staying at the church for more than two weeks. The town of Kutno has around 50 thousand residents and currently hosts about 1000 refugees, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to find people willing and able to open their homes.
  • As people are settling in and their practical needs are met, we are focussing more on helping spiritually. This week we held a meeting for women, the majority of whom are believers. We talked about how we can support each other spiritually and psychologically and the women were able to share their struggles and pray for each other. Please continue to pray for the spiritual needs of the refugees as we seek to offer more help in this area. Around 100 Ukrainians currently attend our church, so it would be a huge blessing to have a Ukrainian pastor to minister to these believers.
  • Praise God that this week our Ukrainian and Polish brothers and sisters were able to join together in evangelism. Together they went out on the streets to preach the Gospel and share the good news with both Ukrainian refugees and Polish residents.

“Skönt ljuder stegen av dem som bär bud om goda ting.”

Romarbrevet 10:15