Böne-uppdateringar v. 12

Krisen i Ukraina fortsätter – och vi är många som ber för situationen. OM har team och medarbetare på plats i alla länderna som nu är påverkade – även inne i Ukraina – och de fortsätter att tjäna dag som natt. För er som vill be strategiskt kommer här en uppdatering från respektive land med konkreta böneämnen.

Notera särskilt behovet av mer pengar till Moldavien – ett av Europas fattigaste länder – där vanliga kristna och församlingar som öppnat sina hem för människor på flykt nu har högre kostnader för att köpa mat och värma upp huset. Vill du ge ett praktiskt bidrag till detta får du gärna swisha valfri gåva till OM (123 570 4291) och märka med Ge Hopp: Ukraina.

Aktuella Böneämnen (på engelska)


  • We have another list of people wanting to flee west. Please pray for wisdom and for God’s direction to know where best to help.
  • There is a great need for the distribution of goods and medicines in many towns and cities in the east. Pray for safety and wisdom as team members work to make these distributions possible.
  • Pray for people trapped in towns and cities which are without water, food, medical supplies or heating.
  • Pray for all believers, that they would be like stars, shining in the darkness.


  • Pray for new possibilities, in partnership with OM in Ukraine and with OM in Moldova, we could send food and some other basic items to those people who live closer to Kyiv and other cities affected by this war. 
  • Pray for new places where we can receive a large number of Ukrainian refugees who are currently located in Moldova and wish to cross the border into Romania. We started already to transport a small number of them from Chisinau to Bucharest, but we need many more buses to transport all those who want to come into Romania.
  • Pray for wisdom to know how we can spiritually help all those who decided to stay in Romania for a period of time. In Bucharest, we organized already a prayer meeting for them in Ukrainian language.


  • Continue to pray for our ministries at the border (providing food and other aid, as well as information, at our tent) and with the refugees housed at our OM buildings. Pray for good conversations in all of these places, and that especially those who stay with us for a bit longer will hear the gospel explained clearly and feel God’s presence in all we say and do. 
  • Pray for the continued fundraising efforts, not only to cover what we directly use for our tent at the border or for housing refugees ourselves, but also to help our partnering churches who have joined in reaching out to those in need. Moldovan churches have shown great hospitality and have taken in many refugees themselves. However, having limited means, it is almost impossible for these churches to keep providing for so many additional people; they are also faced with enormous bills for heating and electricity; and they appeal to us for help. 
  • Pray for our workers who try to be alert about the increased risk of human trafficking in the context of the refugee crisis; and include advice regarding this issue in the information we pass on to the refugees. A partner organisation, whose ministry is specifically focused on combatting human trafficking, is helping us to understand how to do this well. We praise God for these long-standing partnerships and networks, which now allow us to react quickly and work together effectively! 


  • Pray for a bus from a church in Bratislava that will travel with humanitarian aid to Ukraine, and on the way back fill the bus with people fleeing the war to safety. Please pray for God’s protection over them as they travel back and forth.
  • The church in Košice continues to serve as an initial place of refuge for refugees who arrive in Slovakia – please pray for ongoing strength for the volunteers who have served there so sacrificially day and night. 
  • A team member’s local church is going to offer Czech courses for Ukrainians in our base town – please pray for the provision of all the materials that they will need to make it happen. 
  • Give thanks and pray for the group of about 20 Ukrainians who are now meeting together for spiritual fellowship in Žilina (Slovakia).


From ministry at border crossing:

  • Pray for refugees, especially those who arrive without any further plan. We’re seeing an increase in proportion of mums with small children who don’t know their next steps.
  • Please pray for the teams to be present at the right place and time. The situation at border has stabilized in the last few days. A new wave of refugees is still expected soon, but nobody knows when or how. Every day is different, so our role involves preparing, observing and being flexible.
  • There are several new ministry opportunities opening up with local authorities and churches, including temporary shelters. Pray for wisdom and guidance from the Lord.
  • The team at one border crossing are setting up a new place for the team of volunteers to stay. This will avoid them having to make the hour journey back and forth from a nearby city each day and enable them to receive more volunteers.
  • Praise God a place was offered by local council, as all rooms/accommodation near the border are booked.
  • We’re blessed by international volunteers stepping in to fill the gap and plan to open an Short Term Ministry-option soon. Please pray for good communication, as many of our volunteers don’t speak Polish or Ukrainian, so they need to adapt and quickly learn ways of communicating.

From the work in Kutno – OM church plant with refugees:

  • This week 13 families left to move to other countries or other Polish cities. There are now approximately 180 people under our care. Please pray for integration of the refugees into society. Many are beginning to accept the fact they are not here short term but likely staying longer. Praise God that since Wednesday, refugees can register and receive an ID number, allowing them to register kids for school and giving them more stability.
  • This week we found out that one lady is planning to go back to Ukraine. Please pray for those that find it hard to stay here in Poland and want to go back to their homes.
  • Pray for unity amongst the team. Pray for grace for each other and the ability to work together well for the glory of God, despite the cultural differences.
  • This week the team had an issue with one couple smuggling alcohol into the church building, despite clearly being told of the no alcohol rules. When it was found, they had to be asked to leave. Please pray for safety and security of those staying in the church and for further trouble to be avoided.

From the coordination and aid-teams:

  • This week we’ve prayed for God’s provision on several occasions and saw His miraculous interventions right away. It’s a blessing to know that even in this desperate situation, we are working together with the Almighty God himself. This included connecting free cargo with free transport, several deliveries of goods including blankets and baby carriers, and a donated van which was imported and registered in relevant offices in just 1 working day.
  • As we’re preparing care packages for kids, please pray that each child will know deep in their hearts that they are precious in the eyes of God, and that He cares for them deeply.
  • Short term accommodation is still easily available, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find long term homes for larger groups –such as orphanages and foster families. So far, we’ve rejoiced over several successful placements. Please pray that we will continue to be helpful in this regard and that no group will be left without a safe and caring home

“Skönt ljuder stegen av dem som bär bud om goda ting.”

Romarbrevet 10:15